MPSEOC | 501 C 3 Nonprofit
why partner with
gear upMontana GEAR UP (Gaining Early Awareness & Readiness for Undergraduate Programs) believes that postsecondary education is possible for all Montana students, regardless of economic background. Montana GEAR UP supports schools, students, and their families to increase students’ college and career readiness through academic preparedness, postsecondary planning, and financial aid knowledge so that they may succeed in their education beyond high school.
Montana university system
The Montana University System provides students with the information and tools necessary to access and complete post-secondary education. The Montana University System (MUS) is comprised of sixteen public universities and colleges, enrolling more than 44,000 students each semester. This website is designed to provide students, parents, and the public easy access to critical information about enrolling and succeeding in the Montana University System, such as, information on preparing for college, financial aid, transfer of credits, and distance learning.
reach higher MontanaHeadquartered in Helena and serving students across Montana, Reach Higher Montana is the public benefit initiative of the Montana Higher Education Student Assistance Corporation (MHESAC). Our vision is for Montana students to achieve personal success in education, career, and life, and we work toward our mission by helping students strategically pursue educational opportunities. We focus our work on five core areas: community grants, dual enrollment, student services, network support, and outreach. For more information, follow us on Facebook or visit our website:
office of public instructionThe Montana Office of Public Instruction is the state education agency of Montana. The agency is headquartered in Helena. The people of Montana have elected a State Superintendent of Instruction as one of the five members of the Executive Branch since 1889. Montana demonstrates the high value it places on educating our children, by electing a State Superintendent for K-12 public education who is accountable directly to Montana citizens. By law, the State Superintendent has general supervision of the K-12 public schools and districts. The State Superintendent also serves as a member of the Land Board, the State Library Commission, and as an ex officio non-voting member of the Board of Public Education, the Board of Regents for the University System, and the Board of Education.
American Indian college fund | AICFThe American Indian College Fund's motto is educating the mind and spirit. We achieve this by providing Native students with scholarships and providing financial support for the nation's 34 accredited tribal colleges and universities, which incorporate American Indian culture and language into their curriculum to honor our students' heritage and Native identity. Established in 1989, the American Indian College Fund is the nation's largest and highest-rated American Indian scholarship organization. Your support helps us to provide:
• scholarships and other support for American Indian students; • capital support for the nation's tribal colleges, the vast majority of which are located on or near reservations; • funding for cultural and language preservation courses and activities; • funding for intellectual capital development at the tribal colleges; • fellowships for tribal college faculty development; • early childhood development support based in cultural learning at the tribal colleges; and • leadership development for Native students. FOR MORE INFORMATION: |
Montana department of
montana college access network | mcanEstablished in 2008, Montana College Access Network (MCAN) is a 501c3 non-profit that helps advance the goal of all Montanans achieving their career and lifestyle aspiration through higher education.
In 2008, several college access professionals got together and recognized the isolated work that each region of Montana does to increase Montana’s rates of post-secondary attendance. The work that each person did often overlapped and could be more effective if the individual programs worked together to share their experiences and ideas. MCAN became the table for all higher education access and success professionals in Montana. As a stand-alone organization, MCAN matched the Goal 2025 objective set by the Lumina Foundation; Goal 2025 seeks to get degree attainment up to 60% to better the future of American employees. MCAN also recognizes the importance and value in getting certificates and two-year degrees. FOR MORE INFORAMTION: |
Montana Tribal College Team | mpseoc
webwww.MontanaCTribal |